

  • boundary_id - Associated Boundary, if any.
  • data - DNS record data or content.
  • dns_type - DNS record type.
  • effective_ttl - ttl if present, or domain’s default_ttl. (Read-only)
  • external_ref - Arbitrary identifier used to cross reference this host with a record in your app.
  • fqdn - Hostname and domain combined. In punycode for international domains. (Read-only)
  • fqdn_utf8 - A copy of fqdn but with international domains rendered in UTF8. (Read-only)
  • hostname - The hostname without the domain. In punycode for international hostnames. (May write both punycode and utf8.)
  • hostname_utf8 - A copy of hostname but with international hostnames rendered in UTF8. (Read-only)
  • id - DNScaster’s ID for the host, eg: hst_sample123456. (Read-only)
  • ip_monitor_id - Associated Monitor, if any.
  • notes - Plaintext notes.
  • object - Always host. (Read-only)
  • priority - DNS priority field for MX and SRV records.
  • state - active or inactive.
  • ttl - TTL (cache time). In seconds. If null, uses the domain’s default_ttl.
  • zone_id - Domain to which this host record belongs.

List hosts

Query params
  • boundary_id - Filter by boundary_id.
  • external_ref - Filter by external_ref.
  • dns_type - Filter by dns_type. Specify multiple as A,AAAA; will be OR’d.
  • hostname - Filter by hostname.
  • ip_monitor_id - Filter by ip_monitor_id.
  • state - Filter by state.
  • zone_id - Filter by zone_id.
  • Plus standard paging params.
    • sort - Fields: hostname (default), id.

One of boundary_id, external_ref, ip_monitor_id, zone_id is required.

GET /v1/hosts?zone_id=zon_sample123456

On success, 200 with 0 or more hosts.

  "collection": [
      "boundary_id": null,
      "data": "",
      "dns_type": "A",
      "effective_ttl": 900,
      "external_ref": null,
      "fqdn": "",
      "fqdn_utf8": "",
      "hostname": null,
      "hostname_utf8": null,
      "id": "hst_sample123456",
      "ip_monitor_id": null,
      "object": "host",
      "priority": null,
      "state": "active",
      "ttl": null,
      "zone_id": "zon_sample123456"
      "boundary_id": null,
      "data": "",
      "dns_type": "A",
      "effective_ttl": 900,
      "external_ref": null,
      "fqdn": "",
      "fqdn_utf8": "",
      "hostname": "www",
      "hostname_utf8": "www",
      "id": "hst_sample123456",
      "ip_monitor_id": null,
      "object": "host",
      "priority": null,
      "state": "active",
      "ttl": null,
      "zone_id": "zon_sample123456"
  "more_results": false

Retrieve a host

GET /v1/hosts/hst_sample123456

On success, 200 with the host.

  "boundary_id": null,
  "data": "",
  "dns_type": "A",
  "effective_ttl": 900,
  "external_ref": null,
  "fqdn": "",
  "fqdn_utf8": "",
  "hostname": "www",
  "hostname_utf8": "www",
  "id": "hst_sample123456",
  "ip_monitor_id": null,
  "notes": null,
  "object": "host",
  "priority": null,
  "state": "active",
  "ttl": null,
  "zone_id": "zon_sample123456"

Create a host

POST /v1/hosts
  "host": {
    "data": "party time",
    "dns_type": "TXT",
    "zone_id": "zon_sample123456"

On success, 201 with the new host.
On error, 422 with standard error response.

  "boundary_id": null,
  "data": "party time",
  "dns_type": "TXT",
  "effective_ttl": 900,
  "external_ref": null,
  "fqdn": "",
  "fqdn_utf8": "",
  "hostname": null,
  "hostname_utf8": null,
  "id": "hst_sample123456",
  "ip_monitor_id": null,
  "notes": null,
  "object": "host",
  "priority": null,
  "state": "active",
  "ttl": null,
  "zone_id": "zon_sample123456"

Update a host

PUT /v1/hosts/hst_sample123456
  "host": {
    "data": ""

On success, 200 with the updated host.
On error, 422 with standard error response.

  "boundary_id": null,
  "data": "",
  "dns_type": "A",
  "effective_ttl": 900,
  "external_ref": null,
  "fqdn": "",
  "fqdn_utf8": "",
  "hostname": "www",
  "hostname_utf8": "www",
  "id": "hst_sample123456",
  "ip_monitor_id": null,
  "notes": null,
  "object": "host",
  "priority": null,
  "state": "active",
  "ttl": null,
  "zone_id": "zon_sample123456"

Delete a host

DELETE /v1/hosts/hst_sample123456

On success, 202 with an empty response.
On error, 422 with standard error response.